Inflammation of the prostate gland is quite common. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the prostate and can lead to serious complications if treatment is not started on time. As soon as the first signs of the development of the disease appear, every person is obliged to visit a doctor in time.
Reasons for the development of the disease
The disease often occurs in men aged 25-55 and is divided into four forms:
- acute bacterial inflammation;
- chronic bacterial prostatitis;
- non-bacterial prostatitis;
- Prostatodynia.
Acute bacterial prostatitis occurs in men under the age of 40. The development of the disease is provoked by an infection. The cause may be gonorrhea, chlamydia or trichomoniasis. Establishing the cause of prostatitis is carried out through laboratory tests.
Older men often develop chronic prostatitis. This is due to changes in the tissue of the prostate gland, which leads to an inflammatory process.
Symptoms of the disease
Important information for men are the signs of the development of the disease, which are divided into several categories:
- the need to urinate frequently;
- burning sensation and pain during urination;
- pain in the pelvic organs;
- sexual disorders - premature ejaculation, weak erection.
A characteristic symptom of acute prostatitis is an increase in body temperature.

The course of chronic prostatitis is not accompanied by an increase in temperature and can be asymptomatic. Signs of a chronic inflammatory process are not so pronounced, so it can be difficult to diagnose it yourself.
As soon as the first signs of prostatitis appear, treatment must be started immediately, otherwise complications may occur:
- sepsis;
- infertility;
- the need for surgical intervention;
- kidney disease;
- chronic cystitis.
You should start treatment for prostatitis as early as possible. This will avoid surgical intervention and the development of complications.
Treatment of the disease
The urologist prescribes drug treatment after performing all the necessary tests. Treatment may include both medication and physical therapy. Among the proven means for the treatment of prostatitis, traditional methods of treatment play an important role.
Tablets for prostatitis are selected by the doctor individually in each case and are antiviral and antibacterial drugs.
A course of physical therapy with laser exposure and treatment with electromagnetic fields is often prescribed.
Prostate massage is used as a general tonic to minimize the risk of complications.
During treatment, it is important to follow a healthy diet and take medicines to strengthen the body's immune system.
Penicillins and fluoroquinolones are effective drugs for prostatitis. The list of drug names with these active ingredients is very large, so the doctor will tell you the exact name of the drug after a detailed examination. Reviews of patients who took these tablets for prostatitis show the effectiveness of this treatment.
Adherents of traditional medicine believe that the best cure for prostatitis are preparations based on honey and propolis.
Treatment of various forms of the disease
To determine the form of the disease, the patient must undergo a complete urological examination and tests. After that, the doctor will determine the form of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.
For the treatment of acute inflammation of the prostate gland, tablets for prostatitis and pain relievers are prescribed. Such tablets are powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics. Sometimes treatment may require hospitalization.
The treatment of infectious prostatitis is mainly aimed at eliminating the infection that provokes the development of the disease. Antibiotics are also used for this. Your doctor will prescribe what medicines you should take. Self-medication with antibiotics without consulting a doctor is undesirable, since it is impossible to determine the infection at home.
For effective treatment of chronic prostatitis, physiotherapeutic methods are used in combination with medication and strengthening massage.
The most severe form of the disease is bacterial prostatitis. This form is fraught with the development of serious complications if treatment is not started on time.
Form of medicines
Medicines in various forms are used to treat the problem. Can not be:
- rectal suppositories;
- injections;
- medicines in the form of an enema;
- medicines in the form of tablets.
Rectal suppositories have a good analgesic effect and have antibacterial properties. Preparations in the form of suppositories are well and quickly absorbed, which makes such treatment extremely effective. The course of treatment usually lasts up to 10 days.
Injections in the treatment of prostatitis are used to quickly penetrate the drug into the blood. Such treatment involves the use of means to stimulate the patient's immune system.
Preparations in the form of enemas are widely used in folk medicine. This method includes the introduction of warm herbal infusions and decoctions that have an antibacterial effect. However, prostatitis should not be treated only with folk remedies, in order to achieve an effect, you need to use an integrated approach that includes both traditional medicine and traditional treatment.
The most popular and effective method of treatment is taking pills. Generally, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed - penicillins, tetracyclines or fluoroquinolones. Feedback from patients about the effectiveness of such products is only positive.
Traditional medicine for prostatitis
Folk remedies have proven their effectiveness in combination with traditional drug therapy. Traditional methods of treatment should be used as an auxiliary, and not as the main means of treating prostatitis in men.
Men's reviews of traditional treatment are mixed. This is because traditional medicine does not provide immediate relief. Traditional methods involve a long treatment process.
- Candles with propolis and cocoa butter. You need to mix the two ingredients, form candles and put them in the refrigerator so that the medicine takes the desired shape. Suppositories are administered rectally at night. The course lasts at least one month. Then you need to take a break for 40-60 days and then repeat the course again.
- The herb shepherd's purse is sold in pharmacies and taken internally as a decoction. This decoction should be consumed 5 times a day during an exacerbation of the disease.
- Asparagus has a good effect on the state of the prostate gland, so it is recommended to consume freshly squeezed juice throughout the treatment. To achieve tangible results, you should take at least 500 ml of juice per day.
- Pumpkin has long been known for its healing properties. Pumpkin juice and seeds are used for prostatitis. Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice should be taken daily in large quantities. The seeds are a tasty and healthy way to prevent the development of prostatitis in men.
It must be remembered that the disease must be treated immediately when the first signs appear. The initial stage of the disease is very treatable, while the treatment of chronic prostatitis may require surgical intervention.
Disease prevention
To prevent the development of the disease, it is very important to take preventive measures for men.

An important component of preventive measures is proper nutrition. Men's diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent preventive, so it is extremely important to include them in your daily menu.
Prostatitis is caused by infection, including sexually transmitted infections. Men should avoid unprotected sex.
It should be remembered that interrupted sexual intercourse is an extremely ineffective means of contraception, which can also cause the development of prostatitis.
Regular physical activity will help to avoid stagnant processes in the pelvic organs. Cycling or running are good ways to improve circulation in the pelvis.
Prostatitis often develops against the background of reduced immunity. To avoid this, it is necessary to take vitamins and carry out a complex of measures to improve the immune defense of the body.
Hypothermia of the pelvic organs is extremely harmful for men. You should ensure that clothing is appropriate for the weather and avoid sitting on cold surfaces.